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You’re looking to move away from spreadsheets, right?

You wouldn’t be alone. Post-pandemic, seven out of ten boards say 他们希望在风险管理软件(RMS)上投入更多资金。.

Or maybe you’re just wanting to learn a little more. 你目前的风险处理过程已经足够好了,即使它们有点过度填充.

Either way, you’re in the right place. We understand your curiosity. 企业风险管理软件通常被视为风险团队想要提升他们的游戏的自然进化.



1. You’re spread thin with spreadsheets

Let’s start simple.

Spreadsheets serve a purpose. In the United States, over 730,000 businesses use Excel. 我们在这里并不是说这是错的——即使对于风险和合规团队也是如此.

They’re the go-to choice. 特别是对于那些风险不成熟,在GRC旅程中迈出第一步的企业.

But there are downsides to using spreadsheets, both apparent and surprising, 这在大多数企业风险管理软件中是找不到的.

You might know by now that 88% are thought to contain mistakes,但在你开始创建电子表格之前,你就会发现效率低下.

假设您是一家中小型企业(SME),希望开始认真承担风险. 您首先需要考虑一般风险,以及您的业务特有的风险. Creating a risk library from scratch is time-consuming stuff.


Instead, 风险管理软件通常附带一个预先构建的风险库,可以根据您的需要进行定制. 如果你刚刚开始你的冒险之旅,这可以让你站在梯子的第一级.


我们听到的很多全球最大的博彩平台电子表格的反馈并不是说它们是魔鬼的化身, but rather that they’re just … fine.

They do the job. Y’know, the job of listing out your risks.


  • There’s often more than one sheet on the go at once, 这意味着你在浪费时间去寻找正确的信息. 这意味着关键的风险信息是孤立的或无法访问的.
  • Spreadsheet privacy is often poorly managed. 你要么要通过重重障碍才能进去,要么就实行门户开放政策,每个人都是编辑. Both scenarios make us shudder.
  • Errors happen. Not always critical, but they’re there. Rising to the surface every once in a while. 主要是公式问题或小数点放错了位置,这是人为错误造成的.

Want to know the good part? You guessed it: these issues are a thing of the past with enterprise risk management software.

风险指示板作为所有事情的风险和遵从性的单一真相来源, meaning you’ll always know where to find what you need.

And while RiskSmart has no user fees, 访问仍然可以被管理,因此只有正确的人可以访问他们需要的内容.

Risk management isn’t a free-for-all, you know.


2. You're wanting to level up your risk culture

我们听到的转向企业风险管理软件的一个常见原因是,企业正在寻求升级他们的风险文化. After all, 56% of business leaders started investing more heavily in risk culture in 2022.

This can look different depending on size, sector, and a bunch of other reasons, but it often includes some of the following:

  • Embedding risk management into business-wide decision making.
  • 确保了解风险和法规遵循团队,并了解他们的角色.
  • 让各级专业人员参与风险报告.
  • 为风险管理过程建立期望或目标.
  • 确保高层领导理解并支持风险管理.

Risk management software can help here for two reasons.

Firstly, risk management software removes guesswork through data-driven insights and reporting.

在公司成长的每个阶段都要真正考虑到风险, 决策者和利益相关者需要数据来影响他们的选择.

This can take several forms, 例如可量化的风险评分,以告知食欲界限, push alerts/notifications to reduce micromanagement of risks, or the ability to divide risks based on their tiers.

如果你想知道更多全球最大的博彩平台第一个原因,看看我们的想法 why data is crucial to effective risk management.

Secondly,使用合适的企业风险管理软件, risk can be understood by anyone.


But everyone understands a pie chart. A score from 1-100. Alerts telling you that action is needed.

By keeping risk simple, 风险管理软件可以帮助提升您的风险文化,并确保从上到下都很容易理解.

What are others saying about risk culture?


但以下是其他一些思想领袖在#RISK 2022(我们提供了一个不错的展位)上所说的话, as seen above):

  • “风险管理意识和理解是有区别的。 Tony Strickley, Radius Payment Solutions Ltd.
  • “Full engagement from the C-suite is absolutely imperative” – Peter McCready, Wealth Wizards.
  • “风险文化植根于组织的价值观” Hiran Patel, Booking Holdings.


We imagine.

如果您想了解风险管理软件应该列入您议程的其他5个原因, visit our original blog.

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