

adobe电子商务应用程序| Foresight Mobile图片

谷歌开发的 颤振,他们的 开源 UI工具,2018年. 从那以后,它就成为了移动应用开发中的一件大事, 谷歌等大公司都在使用它, 阿里巴巴, 超级.

But if your business isn’t a huge multi-national conglomerate behemoth like the ones mentioned above, why should you use 颤振 to create an app version of your Adobe desktop e-commerce store?



颤振 is a superb development framework for Adobe stores to use for the following reasons:

  1. High performance: 颤振 应用程序 are compiled into native code, which makes them fast and responsive. 这对Adobe商店尤其重要, which often offer a wide range of products and services and need high-quality images, 视频, 创造性的工具.
  2. Beautiful UI design: There are literally thousands of widgets and tools for creating beautiful and engaging user interfaces. If you want to showcase your products and services in the best possible light (and why wouldn't you?),那么颤振可以毫不费力地实现这一点.
  3. 跨平台开发:颤振是一个跨平台框架, which means that developers can write a single codebase for both Android and iOS devices. This means your Adobe store can be uploaded to the two biggest mobile app stores in the world, you’ll save tonnes of time and money on development and maintenance 成本 in the process.
  4. Large community and ecosystem: 颤振 has a large and active community of developers and contributors. This means that there are LOADS of resources available to help developers like Foresight Mobile build higher-quality 应用程序. There’s also a growing ecosystem of third-party plugins and packages for 颤振, 如何延长应用的功能和寿命.
  5. adobexd集成:adobexd XD-to-颤振 plugin allows developers like us to export your desktop designs from Adobe XD directly into 颤振 code. 因为我们不需要手动将设计转换为代码, 这为我们节省了大量的时间,并大大减少了错误.
  6. Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) support: The 颤振 plugins for AEP Analytics and AEP Places allow developers to integrate these features into their 应用程序, which helps your Adobe store app collect data about user behaviour and track the performance of their campaigns.
  7. Hot reload: 颤振's hot reload feature allows developers to see changes to their code reflected in the app almost instantly, 不需要重新启动它. We can’t even begin to tell you how much this speeds up the app development process!
  8. 丰富的小部件库:颤振的UI完全由小部件构建, which are reusable components that can be combined to create complex user interfaces. 颤振’s extensive widget library saves us from developing the components from scratch, 这样可以减少总体构建费用, 我们可以把所有节省下来的精力投入到应用构建的另一个方面.
  9. Native look and feel:  Because 颤振 uses Adobe's native widgets and rendering engine, your app can be made to look and feel like native 应用程序 on both iOS and Android devices.
  10. Performance and animation capabilities: 颤振's rendering engine is optimised for high performance and smooth animations, ensuring that Adobe store 应用程序 deliver a responsive and engaging user experience. 
  11. Future-proof technology: Because it’s been around for a while and has the financial clout of Google behind it, 颤振 is constantly evolving and adapting to the changing landscape of mobile app development. This ensures that Adobe stores can rely on 颤振 for their long-term app development needs without worrying about their app being obsolete not long after it’s been launched. 


We’ve been working with 颤振 since it launched, we’ve developed hundreds of Adobe e-commerce 应用程序 在那段时间里. 我们喜欢它,因为它易于使用和无限定制. 您会喜欢它,因为它可以轻松地根据您的业务需求进行扩展, it’s constantly evolving and making your customer’s user experience better, 这大大减少了你的体型 维护 成本.

For a free demonstration of what your Adobe store could look like using 颤振, 今天预约咨询并与我们团队的专家成员交谈.



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